• Get your Union Membership card!
  • Become a member to get all the benefits!
  • Unity. Progress. Solidarity.
  • Show your Employer you have RIGHTS!
Get your Union Membership card!

By being a Member of NPWU you get a Union Membership card the allows you to work on Union job sites. 

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Become a member to get all the benefits!

Don't let your Employer walk all over you!  You have rights as a Worker in this country!

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Unity. Progress. Solidarity.

Strength in numbers!  If you want NPWU to work for you, all you need is to Contact us! 630.575.0560. 

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Show your Employer you have RIGHTS!

You are entitled to what is fair!  Don't settle for wages that are sub-par, join Local 438 and Let us get you what you deserve.

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  • Welcome to the Local 438 website

    The Local 438 and its affiliate Local Unions represent workers across the United States. While the largest concentration of members are located in Illinois, there is a substantial number of members that are spread throughout the United States, from New York to California, in various industries.

    The Local 438 consist of the following affiliated Unions:

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  • A Short History of American Labor This brief history of more than 100 years of the modem trade union movement in the United States can only touch the high spots of activity and identify the principal trends of a "century of achievement." In such a condensation of history, episodes of importance and of great human drama must necessarily be discussed far too briefly, or in some cases relegated to a mere mention.

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The Power in Unity, Join Local 438!


Our membership depends on their Union, Local 438 to bargain for their wages, benefits, seniority, working conditions and most importantly Job Security during these tough economic times.

Leading people to better quality life

We're a Nationally recognized Labor Union.  We follow the strict guidelines designated by the NLRB, and other governing agencies. 

latest news

  • Increased wages for 1000 workers.
    Increased wages for 1000 workers.

    Local 438, increased wages for 1000 workers.

  • We did it together

    NPWU is pleased to Welcome railroad-drivers from across the country to be part of our union.


  • Union Representatives
    Union Representatives

    Our Union has just completely revamped our Office administration to give our members the best service. 


    Our organizing efforts continue to surpass expectations due to our Strong MEMBER Support.
