Get your Union Membership card!

By being a Member of NPWU you get a Union Membership card the allows you to work on Union job sites. 

Being a member of a Union is respected throughout the industry and will allow you to work with locations that require you to be a Union Member.  Do not be denied work access to places because you are NOT a union member.  NPWU will provide you with a state of the art Union membership card once you are a member, which you can show to inform site operators that you are a member in good standing.  Our team of Agents, are here to ensure our Membership is entitled to Representation, Governing bodies, and standards that All  Unions must adhere to.


latest news

  • Increased wages for 1000 workers.
    Increased wages for 1000 workers.

    Local 438, increased wages for 1000 workers.

  • We did it together

    NPWU is pleased to Welcome railroad-drivers from across the country to be part of our union.


  • Union Representatives
    Union Representatives

    Our Union has just completely revamped our Office administration to give our members the best service. 


    Our organizing efforts continue to surpass expectations due to our Strong MEMBER Support.
