Become a member to get all the benefits!

Don't let your Employer walk all over you!  You have rights as a Worker in this country!

Let Local 438 get you the wages, working environment, and benefits that people in your industry should get!  No longer are you stuck with your employer treating it's workers poorly.  Contact Local 438, and we will work to get YOU the employee what is fair which may include Wage increases, health benefits, time off, and much more.  NO COMPANY under law can penalize their membership for wanting union representation, so don't let your company scare you.  We work to ensure you CAN ALSO WORK and get what is fair!.


latest news

  • Increased wages for 1000 workers.
    Increased wages for 1000 workers.

    Local 438, increased wages for 1000 workers.

  • We did it together

    NPWU is pleased to Welcome railroad-drivers from across the country to be part of our union.


  • Union Representatives
    Union Representatives

    Our Union has just completely revamped our Office administration to give our members the best service. 


    Our organizing efforts continue to surpass expectations due to our Strong MEMBER Support.
