Unity. Progress. Solidarity.

Strength in numbers!  If you want NPWU to work for you, all you need is to Contact us! 630.575.0560. 

If you and some of your co-workers want to become union, we simply need cards signed.  We will speak with you and work to ensure you get the best deal.  Your Employer may intimidate you, or promise you things they can not deliver to not Vote in a Union, do not be intimidated.  You are LEGALLY protected from that type of intimidation.  Once your shop decides they want NPWU to represent them, it simply comes down to a Vote monitored by a Government Board.  If we are voted in, your shop now gets ALL the benefits of being union such as using the Power in Numbers(employees) to leverage the best possible contracts for each person with contracted rates, increases, vacations, etc.  Don't let your employer keep dangling a Carrot in front of you but they never deliver on their promises, Let's make them Deliver and treat you as fairly as possible!


latest news

  • Increased wages for 1000 workers.
    Increased wages for 1000 workers.

    Local 438, increased wages for 1000 workers.

  • We did it together

    NPWU is pleased to Welcome railroad-drivers from across the country to be part of our union.


  • Union Representatives
    Union Representatives

    Our Union has just completely revamped our Office administration to give our members the best service. 


    Our organizing efforts continue to surpass expectations due to our Strong MEMBER Support.
