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By Joining Local 438 (NPWU), you are now a member of a Nationally recognized Labor Union, and Our officers can negotiate for you.
By letting NPWU work as your collective bargaining unit, we utilize the power of your unity with your co-workers to get not only what is fair, but the BEST working conditions, wages, benefits, and much more for you. Currently a non-union employer can tell you anything they want, but never come through with wage increases, holidays, fair pay, etc. By NPWU negotiating your contracts, it is in writing what you will get, and the company must adhere to it. Your Employer does not want us there, and there is a reason... It is because an employer knows they will need to pay more than they are currently to you and not be able to get by with inadequate wages, lack of any type of benefits, and overall not treating their workforce up to the standards they deserve. All that is needed for a ANY shop to become UNION, is a vote. We need 50%+ of your co-workers to want NPWU to handle your contracts, and once that is done you will be recognized as a Union Member in good standing, and will get all the advantages of being a Union member.
Join NPWU! We are ready to fight for you, but it takes your initiative! Don't let your employer tell you lies of how they can do better for you than if you were Union, just look around and see how many of you are being underpaid, how many of you have gotten the increases you thought you had coming, how many of you ever receive the promises of the employer... They may not want us there, but you as an employee are LEGALLY able to decide for them. Again there is a VERY GOOD reason your employer does not want to be Union, and that's because all the employees they are able to pay unfair wages to and know how difficult it is for you to leave as they can just hire another person to take your spot, is then gone, you become a valued member of their workforce and they will need to pay you as one. THERE ARE NO REPERCUSSIONS IF YOU GOING UNION FROM THE COMPANY, you can not be fired due to trying to become union, and a company can in NO WAY LEGALLY hold it against you, so don't be afraid to contact us, you only have something to gain!